1. To open up and expand overseas demand for Japan’s high quality rice and rice related food products, examine common issues requiring Japan-wide efforts, and establish cooperative frameworks towards their solution, in order to deliver them to the global market
2. To contribute to income improvement for Japanese rice producers, through expanding exports
3. To promote various types of cooperation through mutual information gathering and sharing between Association members, and contribute to joint development of export operations as necessary, with the goal of expanding exports
Market development investigations and sales promotion activities related to export promotion of agricultural products and foodstuffs, with a focus on domestically produced rice, as well as activities to build awareness of and disseminate Japanese food culture
- Name
- Japan Rice and Rice Industry Export Promotion Association
- Established
- August 13, 2015
- Address
- 15-15, Nihonbashi Kodenma-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
- Representative Director
- Ryo Kimura
- Number of members
- 96 (As of Jan 8, 2025)
・Sales channel development
Perform market research on rice and rice product prices, distribution channels, consumer preferences, trends and so forth, in the EU, U.S., Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, etc.
・Display at international food exhibitions
In light of the global boom in Japanese food, commencing in particular with the steadily expanding status of the representative food, sushi, display at international food exhibitions, hold tastings, distribute pamphlets, etc., engage in Japanese rice and rice product PR activities and aim for their further popularization and penetration
Drive home that the produce of Japan is safe and has a sense of security, and engage in PR activities which provide media exposure
・Hold tasting presentations
Hold on-the-spot tasting parties at the storefronts of retail outlets, and call attention to the deliciousness of Japanese rice and rice products as well as cooking methods
・Creation and distribution of materials and sales promotion tools
Create sales promotion tools documenting the characteristics of Japanese rice and rice products, recipes and so forth, and supply them to retail stores